An article resulting from a great interview by Bruce Geiselman from Plastics Machinery Magazine down at the NPE 2018 in Orlando. “Addex guarantees a film producer will see a production increase of 10 to 15 percent. In real-world applications, the company has seen operators achieve production increases of 20 percent to 30 percent and greater, […]

Addex to Introduce Intensive Cooling “Height-Adjustable” Twin-Stack for Blown Film at NPE2018 NEWARK, N.Y., February 26, 2018 – Addex Inc., a leading global supplier of auto-profile and other related cooling systems for blown film lines, will showcase its latest Intensive Cooling technology at the upcoming NPE2018 May 7-11 at the Orlando County Convention Center in […]

Film processor Dallas Plastics boosts throughput by as much as 40% by retrofitting a new air ring—without the need for IBC. Output increases equal to that of adding internal bubble cooling without the “expense and headaches” associated with IBC. That’s how Miguel Sanchez described his experience following the installation of a new air ring at […]

No fly-by-nighter, Addex exec’s been flying since he was a teenager, and it’s now his preferred way to travel on business. In the plastics machinery business, there’s nothing all that unusual about a company president making calls to visit customers, either alone or with a territory sales manager or representative. But in their own plane? […]

Cree as a Bird Plastics in Packaging © Sayers Publishing Group, January 2017- A passion for aviation led to a complete change in R&D focus for a cooling systems business. Paul Hill spoke to the president of the US company to find out how this came about. Of the thousands of new products and innovations […]

NEWARK, N.Y., May 19, 2016 – Addex Inc., a leading global supplier of auto-profile and other related systems for blown film lines, has announced a recent consolidation which includes the closing of its Stoughton, Mass. facility and expansion of the Newark, N.Y. site. The move will enable Addex to streamline its business and focus on […]